 Goals are desired results people want to achieve over a period of time. As you look to the left you can see a chart where it says goal setting. They are smart goals. Your goals have to be specific, detailed and not just a few sentences. Measurable, it has to be achievable and at a level you can reach. Attainable, you have to be able to achieve and obtain that certain goal. Relevant, your goal has to be related and appropriate to the goal you had in mind. Finally, time-bound. You have to be able to choose a goal that you can achieve in a certain amount of time. For example, you can't say you want to grow 1 ft. in one week, it has to take some time. So, these are all the steps you have to follow in order to have a successful and obtainable goal. If you do not follow these steps you're goal won't be reasonable or reachable.

  • David Baldacci is an author that has wrote many great books for adults and has now decided to write one for a younger audience. I think the reason why he has decided to write a book for a younger audience is because he wanted to prove that his use of pen can grab the attention of any audience he pleases too. That is why he's wrote a new book called The Finisher. I started reading this book 2-3 weeks and I've found it really interesting so far. The book is about a girl named Vega Jane who lives in a village called wormwood which is filled with creatures which are called wugs. There's no other place to live in other than wormwood, except the quag. The quag is the other side which is filled with horrendous and foul creatures that are dangerous and will definitely kill you. No wug has ever dared to go the quag until one wug named Quentin Herms goes in there with an unexpected reason. Quentin was a good friend of Vega's and she knew that he didn't go in there without a reason. Vega Jane know decides to find out what has happened to Quentin Herms even though if it means crossing dangerous limits or risking lives.

 Recently, our class has been working on speech arts. Speech arts is talking about a particular subject given to a group of people. Your speech must captivate the audience in such a way that entertains or persuades them. Your introduction must grab the audience's attention and get them thinking about your topic. Your middle paragraph should have facts that support your argument or topic. Remember to end off with a strong conclusion.
For my speech arts, my topic was why my school should have a cafeteria. The reason I decided to write about that was because I feel like it was one of the major issues that this school was facing. In my introduction I talked a little about the lunchroom and how many kids there were. In my middle paragraph I gave facts that supported my argument. I wrote how I've seen many kids forget their lunch and had to go to the office to get their lunch from their classroom or to call home.
To end off my speech I talked about the kids of our generation and their food choices. I informed the audience that our generation has poor food choices and the foods of cafeteria would influence them to eat better.

The Nba has announced that the 2016 Nba All-star game will be held in Toronto. Many basketball fans in Toronto were excited to hear this. I think its a great chance to see all the greatest players in the world go head to head like Lebron James and Kevin Durant. Don't also forget about the dunk contest, a chance to see Paul George[if he's selected] and many other high flyers. This city will finally get some recognition and it will be a place where a lot of people are going to come. It's also a good step forward to improve the popularity of the team and the organization.
My new years resolution is to work harder on my studies and to focus more on my school work so I could achieve higher grades. My new years resolution is also to become a kinder person and to be nicer to people. To be a better person and to be helpful to people. I will also try to get good grades in Science and French because they are one of the most important subjects. My last resolution is to be more involved around the school and the community to make it a better place.
The Toronto Raptors have traded Rudy Gay, Aaron Gray and Quincy Acy to the Sacramento Kings for Patrick Patterson, Chuck Hayes, Grevis Vasquez and John Salmons. Rudy Gay hasn't fit into the Raptors offensive set, holding the ball for too long, taking bad shots and not making the smart plays. Since the trade the Raptors are 3-1. The Raptors have been moving the ball around, sharing the rock and making the smart plays. Two days ago they beat the Chicago Bulls by 22 points. They are currently 7th in the Eastern Conference and are looking to be a threat. Their next game is on wednesday against the Charlotte Bobcats at 7:00 p.m.

I know this is not on basketball, but this is very shocking. Nelson Mandela has passed away. He was one of the greatest leaders the world has ever sawn and he will never be forgotten. In Nelson's Mandela's early years he was on the path of becoming a rebel. He was part of the group that protested for the ban of slavery and threw things to cause riots. That resulted in him getting arrested and sentenced to jail for twenty three years. After he came out he another point of perspective. He wanted to change from what he was from before. Nelson Mandela then got elected for president in 1994 and had everyone's support. He was an inspiration to many people around the world. Throughout the years, Nelson Mandela has had trouble with his health. He had lung infection and has been in the hospital for many months. Sadly, the lung infection had taken his life and he has passed away.

The Raptors had dominated the whole game until the 4th quarter. That's when everything started to fall apart. The Warriors had been down by 27 but overcame the deficit. Rudy Gay had 18 points, Lowry had 20 and Demar had 26. But, it wasnt enough for the Raptors to pull out the W. For the past few weeks, frustrations has been boiling and there has been questions about the shot selection of Rudy Gay. Next game up is against the Phoenix Suns on Friday December 6th at 9:00 p.m. 

The Raptors improved their preseason record to 4-1 with a 97-99 win over the Boston Celtics on Wednesday October 16th, 2013. They got off to a 13 point lead early in the 1st quarter but it then later faded away in the 2nd and 3rd quarter. Luckily, they were able to hold on with a big night form Terrence Ross and Landry Fields.

  • The Toronto Raptors defeated the Boston Celtics 89-97. Rudy Gay and Tyler Hansbrough both led the team with 17 points. With Tyler Hansbrough being a new player to the team I think he might fit in very well. He's a good rebounder and he will help the Raptors win some games. The Raptors will open their season on October 30th at the Acc against the Boston Celtics. This year they have a lot of new faces like Steve Novak, D.J. Augustin, Austin Daye, Tyler Hansbrough, Dwight Buycks, Julyan Stone, Chris Wright and Carlos Morais. During the the 2012-2013 season the Raptors traded Calderon and Ed Davis for Rudy Gay. With Bargnani being the hated one on the team and the reason why they were losing games, they traded him to New York for Steve Novak.